From no credit to credit ninja.

As a startup, Favo didn't have any business credit. After time, Favo no has the ability to get lines of credit, term loans, and preferred net terms with vendors.

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Case study


Favo has no business credit to open any new credit based programs.


  1. Incorporate your business: In order to establish business credit, you need to have a separate legal entity for your business, such as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). This helps to separate your personal finances from your business finances, which is important when it comes to establishing credit.
  2. Obtain a federal tax identification number (EIN): An EIN is a unique nine-digit number assigned to your business by the IRS. It is used to identify your business for tax purposes, and it is required in order to establish business credit. You can apply for an EIN online or by mail.
  3. Open a business bank account: Having a separate business bank account will help to further separate your personal and business finances, and it is necessary in order to establish business credit.
  4. Obtain a business credit card: One way to establish business credit is to obtain a credit card in the name of your business. This can help you build a credit history for your business, which can be useful when you need to borrow money or apply for loans.
  5. Register your business with business credit bureaus: There are several business credit bureaus that keep track of the creditworthiness of businesses. In order to establish business credit, you will need to register your business with at least one of these bureaus. This will allow them to track your credit history and assign a credit score to your business.
  6. Pay your bills on time: One of the most important things you can do to establish and maintain good business credit is to pay your bills on time. Late payments can hurt your credit score and make it harder to get credit in the future.
  7. Monitor your credit report: It is important to regularly review your business credit report to ensure that the information it contains is accurate and up-to-date. If you find any errors, you can dispute them with the credit bureau.

Checklist Complete

The process of establishing business credit can be a daunting task for small business owners, especially if they are just starting out and do not have a long credit history to draw upon. This can be especially problematic when it comes to applying for business loans, as most lenders will want to see a strong credit score and a track record of responsible financial management before approving a loan.

One way that small business owners can overcome this hurdle is by working with a credit repair company. Tend specialize in helping individuals and businesses improve their credit scores by identifying and correcting errors on their credit reports, negotiating with creditors to remove negative items, and providing guidance on how to build a strong credit history.

For small business owners, working with Tend can be a valuable resource when it comes to establishing business credit. By partnering with Tend, business owners can take the following steps to build a strong credit profile:

  1. Identify errors on your business credit report: Tend can help you review your business credit report and identify any errors or inaccuracies that may be impacting your credit score. This could include incorrect information about your business, such as an incorrect business name or address, as well as errors related to credit accounts, such as incorrect balances or payment histories.
  2. Dispute errors with the credit bureaus: Once you have identified errors on your business credit report, Tend can help you dispute these errors with the credit bureaus. This process involves submitting a dispute letter to the credit bureau explaining the error and requesting that it be corrected.
  3. Negotiate with creditors to remove negative items: If you have negative items on your business credit report, such as late payments or charge-offs, Tend can help you negotiate with creditors to have these items removed. This may involve negotiating a payment plan or settling the debt for less than the full amount owed.
  4. Establish business credit accounts: One of the key ways to build business credit is by establishing credit accounts with suppliers and vendors who report payment history to the credit bureaus. Tend can help you identify potential credit accounts and provide guidance on how to establish and maintain these accounts in a way that will help build your credit score.
  5. Monitor your credit: It's important to regularly review your business credit report to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date. Tend can help you monitor your credit and alert you to any changes or potential issues that may impact your credit score.

By working with Tend, small business owners can take control of their business credit and improve their chances of qualifying for business loans. This can be especially important for business owners who are just starting out and may not have a long credit history or a strong credit score. By taking the time to build a strong credit profile, business owners can gain access to the financing they need to grow and succeed.


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